Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale
Design Project at RWTH Aachen
Location: Via Franceso Crispi, Rome, Italy
Year: 1994
Program: Museum, Front and Back of House
Design: Jens Casper
Chair: RWTH Aachen / Lehrstuhl für Stadtbereichsplanung und Werklehre, Volkwin Marg
Consultant: Eun Young Yi
Tags: culture, exhibition
Re-use and extension of a a former Barefoot Carmelite monastery dating from the 17th century. In front of the monastery, Vittorio de Sica shot the decisive scene of his 1948 neo-realist movie Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette).
A - Via Gregoriana. At the intersection with Via Sistina is Trinita dei Monti at the top of the Spanish Steps.
B - Permanent Park Access from Via Zuchelli.
C - Alleged escape route of the bicycle thief.