Jens Casper Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDADieffenbachstraße 47
10967 Berlin, Germany
The practice of architect Jens Casper covers architectural consultancy, design, research and teaching. A 1998 graduate of RWTH Aachen University with a strong interest in urbanism, Jens has established a practice that focuses on reading, interpreting and intervening in the built environment. Jens has held a number of teaching positions, assistant professorships and professorships, including at TU Berlin and BTU Cottbus. In 2023 he was appointed Professor for Architectural Design, Typology and Theories (Entwerfen, Gebäudelehre und Architekturtheorie) at Fachhochschule Erfurt, University of Applied Sciences.
His built work includes cultural buildings and venues, exhibition spaces, interiors, and high end residential projects, often implemented in listed environments. His best known architectural works are the Berlin transformations Boros Collection Residence and Radialsystem III, the residence HHGO in Oldenburg, White Cube Bermondsey in London, Phoenixhalle in Dortmund, and the research project Das Garagenmanifest. Carried out in a variety of partnerships and co-operations, his work has been internationally recognised, published, and awarded numerous times.
Jens is a founder and has been a board member of the non-profit association Haus Döschnitz eV, he is a member of the Chamber of Architects of Berlin and Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA Berlin. In 2020 he was a member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, in 2010 Jens was appointed member of the Konvent der Baukultur der Bundesstiftung Baukultur. Jens lives and works in Berlin, Germany, and summarizes his practice as C, since 2021.

© Dexter Lander
awards (selection)
Deutsches Studienzentrum Venedig / Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani
Three-month artist residency, awarded by the German federal government, Venice, Italy, Autumn 2023
Das Garagenmanifest
Deutsches Architekturmuseum - DAM Architectural Book Award 2022
Stiftung Buchkunst The Best German Book Design Shortlist 2022
White Cube Bermondsey
Architizer A+ Awards, Art Galleries category Special Mention 2014;
Civic Trust Award 2013 Commendation for the positive cultural contribution to the local community;
The Architects′ Journal Retrofit Award 2012 - Cultural Buildings Category;
RIBA National Architecture Award 2012;
American Institute of Architects UK Chapter Excellence in Design Awards 2012 Commendation;
The Chicago Atheneum Award 2012;
Radialsystem III
Architekturpreis Berlin Auszeichnung 2013;
Weser-Ems-Preis für Architektur und Ingenieurbau der OLB-Stiftung 2010;
BDA Preis des BDA Niedersachsen 2009;
Boros Collection / Residence
BDA Große Nike 2010 Nomination;
BDA Nike für die beste atmosphärische Wirkung 2010 Shortlist;
Architekturpreis Berlin Auszeichnung 2009;
The Chicago Atheneum Award 2009;
BDA Preis des BDA Berlin 2009;
Deutsche Messe contract.world award 2009 3. Prize Conversion Category;
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award Nomination 2009;
Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM Preis für Architektur in Deutschland 2008 Shortlist;
Forum Aid Award 2008 Nomination;
Deutscher Architekturpreis Beton 2008;
Architekturpreis der Reiners Stiftung 2007 Auszeichnung;
lectures, talks
Institut für Kunst und Gestaltung der TU Wien, 2005 – Institut für Bau- und Kunstgeschichte BTU Cottbus 2006 - Bunker_Adaption ABK Stuttgart State Academy of Arts and Design 2007 - The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum Conference Politecnico di Milano (I) 2007 - architecture depends Woche der Baukultur 09, Trier 2009 - collaboration! adip* (architecture design innovation program) TU Berlin 2009 – nail it down! FG Prof Klaus Block TU Berlin 2010 - expert lecture BDA Preis für Architektur Niedersachsen, Jade Hochschule Oldenburg 2010 –Tools Hochschule Trier 2010 - Interventions BTU Cottbus 2010 - „I never met Richard Neutra“ marta Herford 2010 - Conversion The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen (DK), Soirées d’ouverture 2010 – Vitruvius OKV Oldenburger Kunstverein 2010 - White Cubes and Specifity BTU Cottbus 2010 - On Heritage Preservation, World Heritage Studies BTU Cottbus 2011 – Deviations Wrocław Contemporary Museum MWW (PL), 2011 - Spatial Design KIT Karlsruhe, 2012 – Transformations WINZAVOD Contemporary Arts Center Moscow (RUS) 2012 (Online) - Found & As Found, Institut für Architektur, TU Berlin 2012 - 1:1 Architekturdialoge with David Chambers Aberrant Architecture, BDA Galerie Berlin 2012 - Works orangelab Berlin, 2012 – Introduction to Berlin AA Berlin Laboratory 2012 - Bunker CODE TU Berlin 2013 – Everyday Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Architektur 2013 – Bunker umnutzen TU Dortmund 2013 – Entwerfen Hochschule Nürnberg 2015 – Raumgestaltung TU Kaiserslautern 2015 – Works FG Donatella Fioretti, TU Berlin 2015 – Konstruktion, Zeichnung, Raum Peter Behrens School of Arts (PBSA) Hochschule Düsseldorf, 2015 - Contextual Design Bergische Universität Wuppertal 2016 – Context is Half the Work Hochschule Erfurt 2016 – Stock DerDieDas BTU Cottbus 2o16 – #makingheritage TU Dresden 2017 - The Garage Manifesto @ Center for Applied Heritage Studies (CAHSt), University of York (UK) 2017 – The Garage Manifesto @ Conference research culture in architecture TU Kaiserslautern, 2018 – Works and On Mapping YTU Yangon (MM) 2018 – Works Berlin Art Institute 2018 –Hello My Name Is, DE-CO TU Berlin 2018 - Cultural Practice Form/Design Center Malmö 2019 - Transformation Creative Bureaucracy Festival, Humboldt Universität Berlin 2019 - Transformation @ Biotope City, Center for Metropolitan Studies TU Berlin 2019 – Cultural Practice Hochschule Erfurt 2020 - Process Hochschule RheinMain Wiesbaden 2020 – Attitude Hochschule München 2020 - The Garage Manifesto @ the Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference ACHS 2020 FUTURES, London (UK) 2020 (Online) – Art Spaces @ Studio Martenson Hochschule München 2021 (Online) - Interventions @ Studio Slominski, Haute école d‘art et de design HEAD Genève (CH) 2021 (Online) – Adaptive Re-Use Hochschule Dortmund 2021 - Heritage Studies Degree Program, University of Tsukuba (JP) 2021 (Online) - Let‘s Talk, B-L Barkow Leibinger 2021 (Online) - Das Garagenmanifest @ MODERN MATRIX / EASTERN EUROPEAN MODERNISM Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz 2021 – Tendencies and correlations Hochschule Anhalt Dessau 2021 - Zuhören bedeutet nicht sofort zu antworten, Institute of Construction History and Preservation / Institute of Technology in Architecture Departement Architektur (D-ARCH) / ETH Zurich (CH) 2021 – Vorlesung Denkmalpflege Hochschule München 2022 – Reason Hochschule Wismar 2022 – Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen Hochschule Erfurt 2022 - Garagenland TU Braunschweig Prof Dan Schürch 2022 - The Garage Manifesto @ Heritage Studies Degree Program University of Tsukuba (JP) 2022 (Online) - Laudatio for Unprofessional Studio @ Architektur Galerie Berlin 2022 - Das Garagenmanifest @ Ersatz Teile Körper Galerie im Saalbau Neukölln - The Spirit of East Berlin @ Heritage Studies Degree Program University of Tsukuba (JP) 2023 (Online) - Panel Neue Lehre braucht das Land TU Berlin 2023 - Fare Una Passeggiata (Artist Talk) Deutsches Studienzentrum Venedig / Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani DSZV 2023 - Das Garagenmanifest @ Seminar für Volkskunde/ Kulturgeschichte Universität Jena / Museum für Volkskunde Erfurt (Online) 2024…