Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts
Kulturforum re-consideredCompetition Entry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2015-2016
Program: Urban Re-Organization, Exhibition Spaces
Size: 3.400sqm
Tags: culture, exhibition
Casper Mueller Kneer and SADAR+VUGA, team: Jens Casper, Marianne Mueller, Olaf Kneer, Jurij Sadar, Boštjan Vuga, Vicente Hernandez, Sabrina Rothe, George Barer, Mirjam Milić, Jure Sadar, Kenneth Woods
Landscape: Hahn Hertling von Hantelmann Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH
For the first time in decades, the newly created museum complex Neue Nationalgalerie – Museum of the 20th Century will enable the collection of the Nationalgalerie, so far only exhibited to the public in parts, to be presented in a complete and permanent manner set within a new building.